Thursday, June 7, 2012

Observances & Accidents

Let me see if you have ever experienced this. You're talking with your friend or family member. You're having a nice chat, and then some stranger who knows your friend/family member comes up and interrupts your conversation with them. If you haven't, then you're missing out. If you have, it sucks balls.
And as I mentioned during the last portion of the preceding entry, I mentioned the looking past one another. Well, this entry is dedicated to those experiences, when looking past one another did not work and where an explosion was imminent but did not occur. 

One of the first ever experiences happened in January. A new semester is very hectic, but when your new route to a new class takes you past a LoveDen, you better be sure not to disturb the peace. 

My schedule had changed and now I had to cross a hallway to get to where I needed to go. This hallway, the Math wing, is somehow always busier than the others even though it's wider than the other hallways (except in the Science wing). As I went up the ramp, I saw the Spouse talking with a friend of hers. Here is what I wrote in my journal a few days after the incident: 
This happened Tuesday, the new day of the new semester. ...I now have... to walk to third... via the back hallway on the second floor. Well, as I was walking up, past the 800 hall, I saw [the Spouse] standing in the middle of the hallway, with [a friend of hers]... in the middle of the intersection.
As she was alone, I ended up coming up behind her, putting my arms around her, and hugging her from behind. She asked, “Who’s hugging me?” [Her friend] responded “That guy.” I said “Hi.” As I was saying that, who should emerge from the crowd in front us but [The Archenemy]. As he came into my and [the Spouse’s] field of vision, she quipped “You know you’re about to be killed, right?” [The Archenemy] was approaching quickly, so I said, “Yeah, I know. See you later.” I walked off at a normal pace as he reached us. What a way to start a new semester, no? J
I even made a drawing a few days later. Click the drawing for a better look.

And there's many more where that came from. Some brush-ups, unexpected eye contact, shoulder hits, and revenge.

But the worst, in my opinion occurred in April. At the time, I was on an academic team and we were traveling to a school about 15 miles away. It was early morning and my team, along with a few others, boarded the bus at 7 AM. Around 7.10, I was looking out the window to see The Archenemy and spouse walking alongside the bus. They walked on, and my heart dropped. "Oh shit," I remember saying, as they walked past. And then, if you don't believe it, sat down a row or two away, which made the ride even more awkward.

My friend was sitting behind me, so I had to turn around to talk to her. And in my field of vision was The Archenemy, lying down on the seat, looking in my direction. Worst bus ride ever. 

After the ride was over, we set up on a table near the back of the cafeteria. The Archenemy and spouse set up their team thing a few tables in front. Two or three hours later, after I was done competing and returned, I walked back to see The Archenemy and spouse on the table behind us. "Something is bound to happen," I thought, but in reality, it was a very uneventful afternoon.

I guess he was either self-controlled or didn't give a shit. Regardless of what it was, that day became known as "The Day of Unexpected Peace."

And on every April 2nd, I celebrate "Unexpected Peace Day."
Real talk.