Friday, August 26, 2011


I entered my school this morning at 7:15 through a side door, hoping to avoid the fire hazard that is people leaning on the ramp that leads towards the main door. While walking, I met my friend Ana, and walked her inside the building, past the crowded blue-chaired cafeteria tables. She left to go to what I call the "A-Table" and thinking I saw the archenemy I walked towards the front entrance and sat on a small stone bench in the foyer.

I sat there for maybe a minute-and-a-half, before I felt awkward and walked back towards where I had left Ana only a few minutes before, heading towards the office. The "A-Table" came back in sight and I took a closer look at the people there. The person who had been wearing the  red shirt wasn't the archenemy but some thin Caucasian girl who from far away, look suspiciously like him. Go figure.

By this time, it was only 7:22 and I still had a few minutes to waste. I leaned up against the pillar where I looked at the "A-Table" and turned around, not trying to seem "weird."*
As I turned and looked towards where my school houses the discipline officials (ie "Robocop"), the door opened and a student in black walked out. I guess something was happening since the room was filled to capacity (with about 10 students) and I walked towards the office for a closer look.

Sidenote: this part of the school was built in the late '70s, so it's clad with glass windows and blinds. Man... who knew the people in the '70s had bad designing sense?

Anyway, as I walked towards the pillar closest to the office, I saw the archenemy sitting there, in a black t-shirt. In the most awkward reasoning, our eyes met like when two people in love see each other across a room. Those two seconds were utter chaos in my mind and I quickly walked into a hallway, as if I hadn't looked into that room and seen the Archenemy of Eddie.

Unfortunately, I was rebuffed from walking the entire hallway by a teacher... and I walked back... vexed with awkwardness and disbelief.

Fortunately, the walk back was not as awkward, as I streamed to see a few friends who had gathered in front of the main office. Let's just say that when that bell rang, I have never been so happy to walk into my Government class. :)

* While looking at the A-Table, one of the vice-principals was standing in front of me. He had been the same VP who on June 1st, saw me hug a friend of mine. As he passed, he exclaimed, "What a bunch of weirdos."

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