Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Poem for HoJoKo

In September 2011, I marked the One Year Anniversary of the feud with a somewhat sleep-tinged post. I wrote this back in September after staying up all night and then trying to correct my sleep cycle by trying to fall asleep past five. Well, that didn't happen and I wrote this twice. The I accidentally unplugged my computer after I had finished the first one without realizing it was saved. I then re-wrote it. 

After a few hours, I recalled the post. But now, as part of The Remembrance Week, here is the archival post: A Poem for HoJoKo.

The First One

OH HoJoKo, why did you leave me so ho-ko-ko?
Was it because we fought so-so-ko... or is it because we sex-skyped so much, a-ko.
If we wish to be friends once more a-go, we should talk more, a-ko-ko.
Oh HoJoKo, oh HoJoKo, how I love so ko-ko.
And I just want to say, have a happy birthday, skipper-ko.*

The Second One 

Oh HoJoKo, Oh HoJoKo, why did you leave me so so-ko?
Was it because we fought, was it because we fought a lot, a-ko?
Oh HoJoKo, Oh HoJoKo, how inspiration strikes like a warm windy ho-ko-ko.**
And I'll end it with so, that you, HoJoKo, will be so loved ko-ko. By you-know-who... you-ko-ko.***
 As you can see, there's not much that rhymes with HoJoKo, at least I don't think there is.

* It wasn't his birthday. Nowhere NEAR his birthday.
** Don't even know what that is.
*** Me.
This entry is part of The Troubles series.

Archive document #11-007

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