Sunday, September 18, 2011

C'mon Mr. Rodriguez! (The Red Baron - Pt. 2)

2nd entry of The Red Baron. Enjoy.

• That Soccer Guy
It was said earlier this week that this soccer guy thought people were just jealous because of his good looks and all that other shit. Thankfully... if the Spaniards know any better... they'd reduce his pay by €10 million euros and staple his shirt to his socks... or his nuts. I fucking know that would hurt for sure.

Skinny bitches girls
As I was getting dropped off at school Tuesday, I noticed this skinny girl (who I once knew) sitting under a tree. She then walked towards my school's main building. I then started walking, and when I turned a corner near the school, I saw the same girl sitting under a different tree. I guess what I'm trying to say is, what is up with skinny bitches girls and just fucking sitting there? Stupid bitch.

 Choir Directors
Oh my oh my... where would we be without funny and energetic choir directors? Seriously... we'd be in a world that no student enjoyed choir and we'd have even more snootier kids.* Ah, but yes... maybe directors of other music programs should take cues from their choir counterparts.**

• Swag walkers
If anything, I hate walking behind "swaggers." Those are the people who so fucking slow that your forced to either go around them or plow right through (although that last one will get you yelled at). About 35% of students at my school are "swaggers" and most of them Hispanic (although some are White and Black), and most swag between first period and sixth. I guess something about class just makes these people not want to go. I can see graduating rates falling dramatically now.

Some idiots also sag... but what the heck...
they're gonna end up on the couch anyway.

* Yes, snootier kids that think they are "all that" and believe they are "the shit." They are not. They are snotty bastards who drive cars too big for them.
** Orchestra... etc. *cough cough cough*

Added 9/25/2011

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