Thursday, January 10, 2013

Good Times & The Five-Month Itch

This is sort of a nice/bitchy post. Just telling you now.

The last time Mr. Rodriguez was the subject of a post was back on December 9th.
And a little over a month later, here he is again.

Mr. Rodriguez and I have kept in sparse (you could almost say "non-existent") communication ("incommunicado" is a better word) since he left in September to his college. Of course, I leave it to being busy at a college far, far away. I've known him for five years, so we've gotten pretty friendly.

(And just to see if Mr. Rodriguez reads this: "Dude, I have an I.D. of yours. Seriously. Yellow shirt!" Let's see if anything comes of this.)

As I stayed close to home for school, I was sad to see him go (although I personally didn't see him go 'cause ironically, I only live about a third-of-a-mile from him) and until about the 18th of Dec., we didn't exchange words. So to my surprise, on the the 18th (a Tuesday), I got this message in my inbox where he told me he was back in town. 

I was excited to see him, mainly because the last time I had was in April during my entrapment in my school's coliseum. And an experience the day before had left quite a sour taste in my mouth.

Unfortunately, I had to work that week, and after sorting out conflicting schedules failed, I responded that it had to be postponed until at least January 1st, when I got back from Mexico. 

And so it was... I enjoyed my Mexican vacation (first time since 2010) and he did whatever it was he did. At least he wished my family a happy holiday season: "Oh well, happy holidays to you and your family!" 

By the time I had come back home, I got a message from him on the 2nd, inviting me to a movie with a friend of ours later that afternoon at four. A personal visit got turned into a group date, but I was satisfied either way. It also got me out of the house... and to a movie to boot. Since the job I had didn't pay until the fourth, I was left to scrounge for money, which I did, and hoped to God that the ticket didn't include sales tax, although I had planned for it. 

Around 3.50, I took a shower. Out by 4.10, I was ready to go in ten minutes. I had asked him to call/text me (wisely, I furnished my telephone number) before hand so I could meet him outside. At 4.30, with no word from Mr. Rodriguez, and me with no shoes on, started cleaning my room.

I actually got a lot done when I heard my brother open the door. They announced him to me and I began to find my shoes. For some damn reason, they brought him inside the room, and there he was, standing in my room for the first time in a long time, wearing a grey sweatshirt with the first letter of his college emblazoned on the back. He told me to "hurry up" and I did, hurriedly turning off my television, the converter box, and the lamp. 

After finding my shoes, and saying good-bye, we were out the door at 4.34 and inside his truck by 4.35. To my surprise, he had a friend inside his parent's truck. This person, mind you, was the first ever from our high school to attend Yale. I remember him as a modest guy, although I really didn't know him personally. It was now a foursome.

I greeted him, made my way into the back seat, heading off to collect our friend Ana.

After collecting Ana and making a successful joke or two on the way to the movie theater, we parked a some distance from the door and made our way to an empty food court in the dead mall the theater was attached to. The only place open was a pizza restaurant, with a single employee hovering clouded-over Plexiglas. We chose an empty table nearest the theater's box offices. 

Since Django didn't start for about another hour, we chatted for a time. Then that turned into a game where someone said a letter and you had to state a name, animal, color, and country that started with that particular letter. ("K: Khaki; Kelsey; Kangaroo; Kyrgyzstan.") Then that turned into a 21-question game that resulted in only being played one time (the answer was Emma Stone), and finally, a truth-and-dare game. 

Ana shadowed a woman at the pizza counter, I ate popcorn out of the trash, Mr. Rodriguez "lightly" beat a trash can with a caution sign/ scared a black man/ dug in the trash, and his friend jumped on the counter of a vacant restaurant that was on our left.

After that, and after I was recognized by a woman ("Tu estabas en el Mariachi, ¿no?" "¡Si!") we finally bought our tickets, and headed for the theater. We sat high up, with me taking my seat next to Mr. Rodriguez's friend.

*watches Django, surprised by the use of the n-word, gory shots, and Leonardo DiCaprio acting like a dick*

When the movie was over, I strutted out of that theater for some reason. I have no idea, but I took advantage of the music playing during the credits and the darkness of the hallway.

We quickly headed out towards his truck, got in, and got lost on our way out. Heading back towards where we lived (again, Mr. Rodriguez and I live close by), I asked, "So who's being dropped off first?" He responded, "You are, sir. Is this where I turn off?" Although I have never liked to be dropped off first, I didn't say a thing, and was quietly dropped off across the street where I lived. 

Although it had been nice to see Mr. Rodriguez and with Ana and get to know his friend as well, it was still disappointment because when you're in a group setting, you really can't ask any questions, lest they be interrupted and then unanswered.

A few days after the movie, during an experimental lasagna dinner, Mr. Rodriguez asked me go over. It was probably around five, but he said to go over around eight, nine P.M. After returning from the store at 7.15, I figured I wasn't going to make it at 8, so I postponed until 9. Then I read the full recipe and saw that it asked for an hour's cooking time. So I postponed until 9.30, when he said to "forget it." 

We messaged back-and-forth, and asked when he was coming back to town. "Summer" he responded. 
And after some more back-and-forth, he replied with "Anyway talk to you sometime during summer!" I sarcastically wrote back, "Well thanks for leaving that option open. I can't wait until June. >.>"

So in about five months, expect an update to this post entitled "The Five-Month Itch II." It will be as thrilling as this one.

I, personally, cannot wait for it. >.>