Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Avoiding the Edster

As I've written on here before (at least I think I have), I have gone to great lengths to see The Archenemy. Usually not much came out of it, other than a scalding by my friend (and handler) Stephanie. But about the week before MLK Day, The Archenemy and I crossed paths on a stairwell on the far side of the school, near where the Great Revenge took place.

It's appropriate to say it was a weird occurrence to walk past him since it had not happened in a while. And it was just one of those blue moon occurrences.

And earlier this January, during a working lunch, I stayed upstairs instead of eating. And while walking to my science class, I saw both of them walk out of an English hallway. And I followed suit. It's not as if I was following them, because I take the same route to get to class. They walked down the Crowning staircase and veered off to class. Creepy? I don't know.

Today, while waiting outside a computer lab near my science class, I noticed he walked up from a staircase on the first floor farther down the hall. And as he walked past be in a black t-shirt, I mentioned to Stephanie, "I never figured the lengths he goes to avoid me."

And I don't blame him. I mean... I am pretty weird... and creepy if I get the chance to be (this whole feud has allowed me to do that). So I can't be blamed... Well... uh... whatever.

Maybe I should give him credit for being sneaky... I mean... it's not hard to hide in a sea of black hair and dark skin (majority Hispanic high school, FYI).

So here's to you Arch for your
 accomplishments on hiding...* 
*even if you weren't


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