Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trash in the Sky

Last night, I was told to take the trash out, so I did. About half-way towards the curb, I was like, "Meh, fuck this. Maybe if I try hard enough, I can toss it from here." So I began to build-up power, moving my arm forward-and-backwards faster and faster. I began to move it faster, imagining an imaginary power gauge, going red, green, and back down again. I did it faster until... BAM! I let that sucker have it. But then it had me.

Instead of throwing it forward, that damn bag went way-off to the left and landed on the neighbors roof. "Oh shit!" I screamed when I saw it there, mocking me. I paced back-and-forth, planning my escape. After trying to get a ditch digger out of the shed, and finding it was too heavy and me too short to get it off their roof, I retreated into the house to plot my operating.

Six Hours Later

I went back out at 6 AM to find the bag had shifted towards the edge of the roof. That shift gave me an idea! I went into my backyard, got a board with a nail and grabbed a chair off the porch. I went to my fence, climbed the chair and hoped for the best. Damn, too short.

And another idea came.

I grabbed the chair and the board and went up to their security fence. Quietly, I angled the board and managed to stab the bag... before it ripped and dropped onto their lawn. "FUCK!" I whispered as I saw the bag fall. I sneaked into their backyard, going around the house until I saw the bag under a window. I  grabbed it, and ran back as quickly as possible, before anyone saw me.

I dropped it off at the curb and that was that. A summer shenanigan under my belt.