Friday, June 24, 2011

The Immigrants of America

A few weeks ago, I was watching the ABC station here in Dallas, and they were reporting a story about how the majority of public school students here in Texas are Hispanic, coming in at a whopping 50.2%. I wasn't surprised by that figure, especially since we share a border with Mexico several hundred miles long and Texas is home to millions of immigrants.

Now, I won't make this political-charged post about immigration-- that's probably something that some right-wing ex-Marine President-wannabe Republican will talk about to a bunch of conservatives-- but I think that's a bit weird to be a majority somewhere, especially when the majority of the US population is White.

Honestly, as a Hispanic myself, I feel a bit proud of that accomplishment. But some will see this as immigrants taking over the U.S., saying that immigrants are trying to take over and "poison" the American way-of-life, but in all reality, it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's sort-of like how integration was talked about when a Black family would move into a White neighbourhood, that allowing one in would lead to a wave, which wasn't at all true.

Now, some ignorant people point out that immigrants are bad because from where they are, but in reality, their just people, like you and me who come here in search for a better life and the "American Dream." (I know my parents did 25 years ago.) And it's time to welcome these people as we did back in the 1800 and 1900s, albeit with 21st century tolerance.

But alas, you can't change people's minds and some will blame immigrants for national problems, such as the Nazis blamed the Jews for all their problems in the 1930s. But now, here in the 21st century, it's time to start changing opinions and thoughts instead of hanging on to skewed 20th century ideals.

And as Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along?"


  1. There's no such thing as an ex Marine.

  2. Not sure if the phrase "former Marine" or "past Marine" can do any better than "ex-Marine." I've looked into it, but I'll stick with "ex-Marine."
