Saturday, June 25, 2011

For a Minute There, He Didn't Hate Me.

My dreams recently have been a little terror-filled. Yesterday, I dreamt that I was at a rural gas station that is invaded by a horde of zombies, with everyone dying. Today I managed to escape the gas station when I got into a truck driven by some girl. She then proceeded to drive the truck off an exit ramp and crash it into the opposite retaining wall.

I blanked out before we hit, and woke up looking at myself sitting in a convertible, looking apprehensive. I was sitting in a chair, looking at myself through a television monitor. The doppelganger I was watching looked around and left the car, parked in the driveway of a large house. I blanked out again...

I was then at my computer, uploading a drawing that I had made called "Philadelphia" to website drawing contest. I uploaded it and waited for the winners. The Archenemy and I had somehow collaborated on the drawing and won the $100 prize money.

I was then walking down a school corridor filled with people. As if I was watching a TV show, the camera shot changed to my friend and her boyfriend speaking. "Here, you give it to him," she said. The camera shot switched to me walking down the hall, a voice-over saying "How did he get the money?" as he started towards me.

When he reached me, he started walking beside me and began to say my name repeatedly, "Eddie, Eddie... Eddie" trying to get my attention. I stopped to turn to him and said, "Oh hi, [You]." He handed $50 from the prize money and started to walk away. Before he got too far, I stopped him. "Hey [You], [You], before you start hating me again, how are you?" He was about to answer when my dream ended.

And you know, for a minute... he didn't hate me.