Monday, June 27, 2011

Art from Facebook - One

This first panel is from May. A friend (name withheld) would come 'round to my house two, three times a week for a ride to school in the morning. Around March, it something nice to do, as a favor, but as the weeks dragged on, it got a bit annoying. I soon got irate about the whole situation, but didn't say anything. Then, one day, on my way to third period, I saw him with his new? girlfriend as I walked by. Later that day, he IM'd me and I told him the following:

Hey sexybuns
You know
when I saw you with [withheld]
this mornign
I felt like ripping you out of her
and saying
"Bitch, dis [sic] is my MAN!

And soon I followed that up with the panel below. A few days later, he told me to take it down, because it was "distasteful" but I didn't budge, although I pixelized his name and that of his girlfriend's. BTW, he unfriended me on May 21st. (And until school ended, he didn't once appear for a morning ride.)

This second one comes from earlier this month after I drew it for my friend Ana. She has this catchphrase of saying "This dick!" whenever she feels it's appropriate. So just for her, I drew this panel with one of my characters saying her catchphrase, pointing to a pixelated penis.

Just for you information, it's not a real penis, but rather two skin-coloured circles with a skin-coloured rectangle, topped with another skin-coloured circle.
It does get the point across, doesn't it?

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