Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's Been A Year

May 2nd was horrendously cold day. The night before, cold air mass moved through, and that brought Seattle-like weather: cold, damp, with just a speck of alternative music in the mix. That night, while at the house of a neighbor setting up their computer, his wife came into the living room to tell us that a news bulletin just reported that Osama Bin Laden has been shot and killed. We rushed over to a television set and watched President Obama speak to the nation about the fulfillment of a long search after many years.

As I came home, I noticed how people were posting "America (Fuck Yeah)" (from the film Team America: World Police) on Facebook, and that became the second post (the first being the aptly-named Coffee Tuesday) ever on the ESF blog. For the rest of that month, I tried to get it running, and I suppose I did a good job at it, because let's face it, I'm Eddie and I rock. :)

Anyway, this has become much more then a blog. It's become an identity-- an identity that carries a reputation to all things me, which to be honest, it's a tough thing to form. I never expected I'd be gushing my feelings about The Archenemy or about some homoerotic dream I had that had me snuggling up against Aaron. I just live my life and report it. And looking back on a year of this, it's surprising how much happens in my life. I don't do pottery, I don't drive, so this is pretty much my hobby on the internet (if you don't count that other thing). 

I've come to love what this all stands for. It's penetrated every aspect of my life and at school, I have people telling me what they thought about a certain post and whatnot. I blush, because it's a interest garnered by people that weren't there before. I somehow feel honoured by the fact that they take the time to read what I write and put up with it as well. 

Ultimately, it's become my master outlet for my creativity. You can only post so much on Facebook before people begin to ignore what you produce. I've produced comics, panels, and drawings that are snapshot of what I felt, inspiration, and who I was at that time, for example, Birthday Card.

And I guess I have many people to thank for the fact that I've had so much material to work with. Although done on the worst of circumstances, I do have to thank The Archenemy because if it wasn't for him, I would not have been able to be as creepy as I have been towards him and people in general. Nowhere else can you witness a man-crush (in the strongest possible use) so intense-- unless you happen to be Alex or Raphael. I'd tap all three 'til next July.

I hope that next year will be as fulfilling as this last one, as we approach the Two Year Anniversary of the ESF itself, we can have a great look back on all that's been accomplished in what can be called The Era of Adolescence. Sounds like a Charles Dickens novel, huh?

This post is part of The Troubles series, an archived document (Archive #12-005), and part
of the One Year Celebration of the ESF blog.