Thursday, April 25, 2013


Taken from a Tumblr post of the same name

24 April 2013

Now let’s be real. 
Humans are shallow.
We decide on things based on appearance.
We like things that colourful, monochromatic, smell pleasant, and perceive those things that appeal to us most to be without fault.
For example, a few minutes ago, I was on this page of this person from Australia. [They were] an example of attractive to people: blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and seemingly perfect. To some, seeing [their] colour portrait would have them clicking “FOLLOW” immediately for no other reason.
But I went to the ‘About me’ page. If I was going to be a shallow, then the least I could do is read about [them]. [They] wrote,
My name is Darby and I am 16.
I have attempted suicide 5 times in the past year, I am an ex-self harmer, and I use this black and white blog to express my sadness so I don’t bring it to my daily life. My family treat me very badly and this makes me feel the way I do, as well as the way I have been treated at school or in public because of my sexuality.
And that sparked something in me. If I had just followed [them] because of [their] appearance, I would have never known otherwise. [They're] a person, with emotions and a backstory that would otherwise remain hidden unless seen/asked.
I have been shallow. I have followed people on here because I do think they're attractive. That is more the exception than the rule, although it has at times not been limited.
Now, I try not to be shallow. I’m not the prettiest flower in the basket, and I’m not afraid to say so. But when I gain a new follower, I think , “HOLY SHIT, I’m interesting.”
And as I said earlier, I have followed some of you, partly based on, appearance. But soon enough, I see your posts, and learn about you.
I see you talk about trips to Washington, D.C., conservation efforts for animals in Florida, talking about your family problems, beating the specter of eating disorders and first dates with someone of the same sex.
You write about things that some, like me, haven't shared with anyone due to the unknown reactions of our friends and families.
In saying that, I have never unfollowed someone because of their appearance— but I have never followed someone just because of it, either. 
And I'd like to think that others see content before faces.
I’ll try to do the same. But I am not perfect. And neither is anyone else. We can preach about the trouble that judgement-by-sight brings, but it’s an unfortunate side-effect of our visual input. It is just our baser instincts at work.
Of course, what you do with your output is what counts.

- Eddie, An OK-looking flower in the basket :)
I wrote that in a thirty-minute period, and it's completely true. And I plan to hold myself to it.