Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Dream of Aaron

A dream... that the person in question knows about.

The phenomena of me having erotic dreams about people around me has been going on since I was in the eighth grade. I won't say who they were about, but thinking about it now has lead me to ask some serious questions about myself. 

But that's for another day.

During summer 2010, a year before the establishment of the ESF, I had a dream about my friend Aaron (mentioned here). I'm not sure where I was sleeping that warm summer night, but it could have been in the futon in a spare room we have near the kitchen. The room is cooler in the summer than the kitchen because it's completely dark and there's no windows or any other source of heating.

In the dream, I was sleeping in the same futon bed.

I woke up and went outdoors to see the whole neighborhood coated in ice. There was snow in all the yards and there was ice on the road. It was early morning, but the sun was in the opposite direction, it was rising out of the west. You could say it was in the early evening, but the neighborhood was quiet and everyone was asleep.

I walked into the yard and saw someone in our Suburban, two teens, trying to steal it. I rushed over and I forced them out of the car. One of the little bastards had the steering wheel in their hand, so I chased them all over the yard for it. They led to the tree trunk we have in the corner of the yard and one of them stood on it, blowing raspberries at me.

When I saw that, I lunged for one of them and grabbed them. I pinned him down and forced the steering wheel from them. When I let him go, they both ran onto the street, somehow avoiding to slip on the ice.

I put the steering wheel onto the kitchen table, with papers piled on top of it. The early light streamed through the window (there were no blinds), and I made my way into the spare room. The futon has been folded up into a sofa configuration, and there was Aaron, with his back up against the futon.

I shook him and told him to scoot over. He obliged and I huddled in. I put my arm around him and ended up falling asleep.

That's when I awoke in the futon... a bit sweaty from the lack of air-conditioning.

Later on, I told my friend Lupe about it. I don't remember what I said to her or her reply, but I think it led me to tell Aaron. And so I did.

I thought the whole "I had a dream-- which you were in-- and we slept together" would be a big point for him, but he took it very well. Actually, he didn't react at all, blowing it off as one of those things that people dream about.

I was disappointed about his reaction, but I guess people react in different ways to certain things. For example, the way The Archenemy's girlfriend reacted to the news that I had dreamed that The Archenemy had sat upon my chest. He just sat there... smirking at me. 

It was good.