Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Ratings Change

Rated E with L for language

If you pay attention to my blog, even the most minimal amount, you'll sometimes notices red boxes with the 14+, 16+, or 18+. These point out the ages I think that are appropriate for that article.

For example, I rated Meet Pricasso 18+ due to the fact that it contains a video report about a man who paints-- with his penis. In the nude. The video shows shots of his junk, and that pretty much sealed the deal for me to give it an 18+ rating.
I prescribe these ratings to make sure readers are prepared for what their going to read or see. It's whole thing called "responsibility" on your part. No one is responsible for what you see except for you. If you complain about how explicit something is, then don't watch it again. Don't read it again. Don't visit that site. And that's my view when it comes to media. We produce it but if you don't like it, don't watch it. In my case, don't read it.

But this isn't to lecture, but rather to inform you about some changes I've made to my ratings system. The green squares that contain AC, O, V, and L have been redesigned. Some have been retired also.
Let me explain the new sub-ratings.

Updated 22 September 2013


Strong Language - this sub-rating indicates that strong phrases (i.e. "fuck" "bitch") are used to an extent. Higher the main rating, the more prevalence in the post. (In "E", there will be no more than five instances of such language throughout the post.)

Mature Content (replaces MT)- this sub-rating tells the reader that content of a mature subject matter of a non-sexual nature.

Mature Content with Sexual Themes - same as above, but sexual overtones are complacent.

Offensive content - this sub-rating tells you that in the post is something that you most likely do not want to see. This includes things that most would find offensive, include crude photographs or video, curse-laden texts or A/V content, etc.

Strong Sexual Content - this is the most "adult" sub-rating. It shows that in the post, there is pervasive sexual content, including but not limited to, erotica or pornographic content of any kind. It might also include images of nude people or descriptions of a sex act. Content warnings will be placed at the top of the post to tell what is contained in the post.


When it comes right down to it, here's how I'll apply the sub-ratings to each ratings:
  • UR - none
  • E - L
  • 12+ - L, MC, MT-S
  • 14+ - L, MC, MC-S, S
  • 16+ - L, MC-S, O, S
  • 18+ - L, O, S
These assignments are subject to change at anytime. (updated 05-17-14)

I hope you learned something today and that these sub-ratings, along with the main ratings, give you a bit of knowledge about what you're reading here on the ESF blog.